Friday, December 25, 2009

Working with Wikis and blogs

Among the tools I am planning on using for my course , I think wiki and Blogs.....would be my first two  options!!!

I am planning to make my students research about topics which they are interested in and use those topics for writing activities (open writing). Another idea that I have is to make students read specific articles so that they could read , underline ,  summarize , identify ,  compare and contrast , including their own perspective or personal opinions!! in an open writing space such as wikis or blogs . Of course , i will select the articles and the activities according to the level of english of my students.

I have already worked on this with my students , and i have had interesting results.

If u have any new idea or tips for , they'll be welcomed.


  1. This is a good idea Hugo, let's give it some more thought. It could be a really practical yet fun way for students to learn English. Nice blog by the way :-)

  2. Hugo, What course do you teach? Your course sounds similar to mine. I have to design and plan the syllabus for the EAP Course. My students also have to summarize, take notes, write essays, read and do critical thinking. But I am not teaching English as a language. They will improve their English skills in reading and writing and listening.

  3. I have to design my course to teach English as a language.

  4. Giving the students the choice is good since they will be interested in what they are doing. Linking their lives to the readings is something you can do too.

  5. What have you learned so far by using wikis or blogs in your classroom?

  6. I like your ideas, Hugo. Actually, that is what we have been learning and we know through our own esperience that it works plus it is fun though I must confess I do get frustrated many times.

  7. Through wikis and blogs I've learned new ways of expressing, sharing , and producing ideas , points of views and new knowledge collaboratively that could be implemented in my classes. Student's ideas or knowledge can be checked by people around the world.

  8. Hi Hugo, It´s hard for me to imagine how this would work on a blog or wiki.

    " specific articles so that they could read , underline , summarize , identify , compare and contrast , including their own perspective or personal opinions!! in an open writing space such as wikis or blogs."

    Or would they do the reading and underlining offline?
